Polish Graphic Design
Korea Japan 2023
Against All Odds
「Against All Odds: Polish Graphic Design 1919-1949」は、Piotr Rypsonによる著作の英語版で、エッセイのほか、ブックカバー、ポスター、パッケージ、定期刊行物、切手、日常的グラフィック・イラストレーションなど、多様なメディアのコレクションが408ページにわたり収録されている。
Photo by Bartosz Górka

Against All Odds: Polish Graphic Design 1919-1949 is the English-language edition of the book edited by Piotr Rypson, accompanied by his essays on Graphic Design of the period. The 408-page volume presents a universe of media - book covers, posters, flyers, packaging, periodicals, postage stamps and graphic illustrations in daily publications. It goes back into many of the practical aspects of that world - society, economy, politics and culture - through mainstream and independent design, from commercial advertising to government propaganda. It spans an array of styles - from expressionism and formism to futurism and functionalism, in many ways influenced by what was happening in other parts of the world - from revolutionary Russia to Germany's Bauhaus movement.

Published by Karakter Author: Piotr Rypson Design: Przemek Dębowski


Published by Karakter Author: Piotr Rypson Design: Przemek Dębowski