Polish Graphic Design
Korea Japan 2023
Print Control 7
Print Control 7: ポーランドのグラフィックデザインの業績をまとめ、現代の印刷デザインを紹介する年鑑。エディトリアルデザイン、ポスター、出版物、タイポグラフィのトレンドを研究するデザイナーへのインタビューなどを掲載。
Photo by Bartosz Górka

Print Control is an annually published yearbook. The aim of the publication is to summarise the achievements of Polish creators and present the most interesting implementations, tracking trends and tendencies that shape contemporary print design. The first part of publication features several graphic designs, posters, publications and visual identifications, the second contains interviews with five designers related to typography who, in the most interesting way, interpret the trend in lettering: being inspired by local traditions and turning to cultural roots.


Print Control 7

Published by TXT Publishing and Adam Mickiewicz Institute

Author and design: Magdalena Heliasz