Polish Graphic Design

A conference on letters for every designer!


International conference on typography in branding, motion graphics and web design. Latest trends, international inspiration, experimental designs, effective strategies and practical solutions.

What Exactly?

Conference themes

  • how to use fonts in branding in an interesting way?
  • how to experiment with letters in motion graphics?
  • how to use fonts correctly in web design?
  • how to creatively design typography in commercial assignments?
  • how not to create boring lettering projects?
  • where is the best place to look for and buy fonts?
  • how to properly use typefaces?
  • what to watch out for and what to avoid when using fonts?
  • what is important in typography in 2025?

Nie zabraknie także wątków związanych z pieniądzmi, kosztorysami, briefami, umowami, przetargami i współpracą z klientami.


The maximum dose of TypoInspiration, TypoKnowledge and TypoJoy.



09:00 rejestracja

Yana Vekshyna

Cihan Tamti

Nejc Prah

Note: A detailed hour schedule will be published in early February.



registration 9:00

first lecture 10:00

end 18:00


Elektronik Cinema

Generała Zajączka 7, Warsaw

How much?

222 zł

sold out

cena super przedsprzedaży

222 zł

60 euro

until 03.02.2025

333 zł

80 euro

until 17.02.2025

444 zł

100 euro

until 22.02.2025

Student tickets for 222 zł with code: StudentTicket222

Where to buy?

Choose a currency

The number of seats and tickets is limited

Sales are made via EasyCart's 100% secure sales cart and Stripe service

After purchase, a ticket with a QR code and an invoice will automatically be sent to the email address provided

Where to after?

After Talks

Place announced soon!

More things!

The conference will be held in English

The event will not be recorded or streamed online

For those interested, a certificate of participation will be available


Conference Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Design-Crit, Ludna 7/19 Warsaw, NIP 522-232-56-79